Friday, July 22, 2011

Random meanderings of illogically pissed off mind

Here I sit,
All the random possibilities of things that have happened running through my head,
Tearing at the walls of my senses, 
trying to rip their way free of my throbbing skull.
Inside I bleed away a thousand lives, 
each one strange and more benign then the one before it.
Colorless thoughts of pain and suffering plague the already diseased dreams,
Turning daydreams into violent nightmares full of ghastly yet melancholy scenarios.
Life and death are no longer separated, 
they are one joined in an unholy union,
Forever procreating the lies and deception of that filth called love. 
Its not normal you see, 
this is me,
My existence, 
black, corroded, hollow, 
yet the flow is never staunched,
The lifeblood still pours from the gashes in my thoughts like a million rivers, 
turbulence is all I know,
There is no saving this lost soul, 
in time it will disappear, 
gone and forgotten...

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