Friday, July 22, 2011

Something to think about...

We as human beings perpetuate and propagate lies and deceptions so nothing in our human existence changes, thus making our substantiality in todays world more comfortable to us. What, I wonder, is the reasons we have for maintaining this when, further on down the road people discover the truth behind the deceit that it does more damage then good....
Relationships get broken, friendships and lives are lost until you get to a point where you have no faith in anything or anyone...

I for one know that yes, I am a Liar. No, I am not proud of it but, in a place where integrity and fidelity are the main keys to potential happiness and longevity to a relationship, I just can't understand WHY my/your/their significant other feels that lying is the best way to handle a situation that arises. Don't they understand that in the future you plan to have together it is best to be forthright and truthful?? If a question gets asked instead of shady and deceptive???

I just don't get it... I Know there are times when it is best to just keep your mouth shut but in no way does that constitute reciting an elaborate fallacy about something just to maintain what you already have...

Lying to someone and knowing deep down that eventually you will be found out only creates more stress in your own life with the fact you have to keep up with telling more lies to cover up the first lie you told and so on and so forth... And you still have the potential to lose everything you were trying to protect with the lie because by the time everything has come out in the wash it does so and a grander scale then you can comprehend and you end up sitting back and saying, "Why the hell am I such a dumbshit???"

Truth be told, I do not have many pet peeves. This right here, yes I mean lies and deceit, are the ones on the very tip top of my list. I have always tried to be an honest person in my life. Yes, I have lied to keep my life together but I have also turned around and gave up the truth just as willingly and not maintained a lie after I lost everything I held dear.... Its just not worth it.

Someone that does this just seems like less of a person to me and its no wonder I could never fully ever trust that person. Something I should have seen a LONG time ago. That was my bad for trying to trust them. (sorry off subject)

Anyways, I just get really tired of people dealing with me with "kid gloves" through fallacy and deception.... I AM NOT that fucking soft-headed or soft-hearted that I can not handle being told the truth... I get even more annoyed when I find out thats what people are doing who claim by all rights that they are my friends and or love interests... Just be fucking honest... Brutally if needs be... I am sick of finding shit out secondhand and discovering I have been lied to all along... This is not what friends/bestfriends/lovers do... Its not right...

I will say this though, If this is the way people choose to keep handling their lives and friendships with me, I will move on and leave you behind... You may sit back and point your fingers with feelings of hurt and deception and say that I am/was not good enough and not worthy enough, because I am the one who left you, but before you do this, take a flashback in your own life and your dealings with me and see how you acted in the situation and what could have been changed to keep me around...

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